Legacy and Estate Planning

In today’s digital age, intellectual property (IP) stands as a cornerstone asset for individuals and businesses alike, fueling innovation, creativity, and competitive advantage. Protecting IP is not just a legal necessity but a strategic imperative to safeguard one’s creations, maintainREAD MORE

Thanksgiving, a time-honored tradition steeped in gratitude and family gatherings, offers a unique opportunity to reflect not only on the blessings we have but also to consider crucial yet often overlooked discussions about estate planning. As we gather around tablesREAD MORE

When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was passed in 2017, it brought about substantial changes to the tax code such as lowering tax rates and increasing standard deductions. Most important, it almost doubled the estate and gift taxREAD MORE

As veterans transition back to civilian life after serving our country, various challenges often accompany them, especially for those coping with disabilities incurred during their service. Estate planning becomes a critical aspect for veterans, particularly those reliant on governmental benefitsREAD MORE

Estate planning is a comprehensive process involving a range of legal and financial documents designed to protect and distribute your assets as per your wishes. While most people associate estate planning with wills, trusts, and powers of attorney, one oftenREAD MORE

A comprehensive estate plan includes wills, trusts, and directives. These documents indicate how a person wants their property and accounts, or “estate”, to be managed in the event that they are incapacitated. Estate planning is crucial for anyone who hasREAD MORE

Imagine a world where estate planning is an afterthought. In this realm, individuals and families plunge into turmoil due to the absence of a well-structured estate plan. Let’s explore a few real-life scenarios to understand the ramifications of not havingREAD MORE

From construction to manufacturing and transportation, numerous blue-collar professionals earn their livelihood working in high-risk jobs. Many of these professionals trust that workers’ compensation will provide for their families in the event of an emergency on the job. But whatREAD MORE

Changes to tax laws happen so often they can be hard to keep track of. As different presidential administrations make reforms and updates to tax law, tax authorities also make frequent regulatory changes. One such change is the annual adjustmentREAD MORE

Thoughts on creating a legacy through charitable giving often begin later in life, when children are grown, with children of their own. Thoughts of charitable giving often coincide with grandchildren heading back to school when the pleasure of long summerREAD MORE