Your Will: The Cornerstone Of Any Estate Plan

Many people think of a will as simply a note that tells their family “who gets what” after they die. While this is true, there can be much more to a will. Attorney Rod Hatley offers seasoned guidance in will creation. He can walk you through the steps and explain the tools that make your will a powerful legal document and roadmap for your loved ones.

What A Will Should Include

First of all, anyone who is married, who owns a home, who has children or who works full time should have a will, no matter what their age. A will, also called a last will and testament, can include several other documents that are crucial for both the state and your family to understand your exact wishes.

Here are some important components of a will:

  • The will itself. This can include who should be the guardian of your minor children should the unthinkable happen to you and your spouse or partner. If you do not state your intentions, then the state will decide for you. This is also an opportunity to leave a legacy; to tell your children, spouse or family your heartfelt thoughts and your hopes for them and their futures. For many, this is one of the greatest gifts they receive.
  • Power of attorney. This designates who will have the power to take over your finances should you become temporarily or permanently unable to do so. Typically this is your spouse or partner but not always. There are other types of powers of attorney as well.
  • Health care proxy. This document lets your health care provider and family know who you want to make medical decisions for you in the event that you are unable. This is typically a spouse or partner, but again, not always.
  • Living will. Also called an advance directive or health care directive, this document details your wishes for the type of medical care and treatment you would like should you be unable to communicate your wishes. This can be as specific as you would like. This is important because it removes any doubt from the minds of your family as to what you do and do not want done.

Click here to learn about what shouldn’t be put in a will.

There are other tools that can be added to a will, such as a pour-over will for those who also have a trust. Joint ownership and pay-on-death accounts are also good ideas for many people.

Pass On More Than Just Your Wealth

At Hatley Law Group APC, Rod works with you so that you can pass on your intellectual, spiritual and human wealth to those you love and hold dear. Estate planning can be more than just filling out documents and checking boxes, it can be leaving a legacy and preserving what means so much. Book a call to set up an appointment and get started. You can also reach Rod at the firm by sending an email. Headquartered in San Diego, Rod meets with clients throughout California.

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