Legacy and Estate Planning

Chances are, your home is full to the brim with cherished memories of family and friends. But, as you get older, you may start wondering what exactly will happen to your home when you pass away. Fortunately, a life estate can take away the uncertainty of this thought by legally assigning an heir to receive your property without interference from court proceedings.

From digital assets to financial accounts to sentimental items, here’s what to think about to make sure your loved ones have access to everything they need when you pass away.

Most people think of wills as written instructions for use after death. In contrast, living wills provide your instructions for continuing or halting life-sustaining healthcare while you’re alive.

My mother told me many times over the years that she had a will, and I believed her. When she passed away, we discovered that her will was 40 years old—and completely useless.

Property law can be complex and arcane, even for lawyers and judges. The rule against perpetuities is an example of how older property laws can influence how families transfer and inherit property rights.

Whether you are trying to protect your assets from possible creditors, prevent young heirs from spending their inheritance or minimize estate taxes, there is likely a trust for you.

A trust is an estate planning tool that you may consider using if you want to go beyond drafting a last will and testament.

According to experts, despite increased phishing emails and robocalls, it is far more common for financial exploitation to be committed by people who know the victim, such as relatives, caregivers, neighbors, or ‘friends.’

Five years ago, cryptocurrency was probably not on your radar. Today, it may be an important investment in your portfolio. You could even own some nonfungible tokens (NFTs), which are powered by the same blockchain-based technology. Despite the dizzying fluctuationsREAD MORE

An estate plan often focuses on tangible property such as jewelry, artwork, money, and vehicles. However, in this age of technology, it is important to remember to include your digital assets. Digital assets consist of everything we own online. BecauseREAD MORE