As the summer comes to a close and schools reopen for the Fall semester, many parents are sending their kids off to college. It can be scary to drop your child off at their dorm or apartment and realize you have to rely on them to take care of themselves for the first time. Though at 18 years old a first-year college student is legally an adult, not many people are fully prepared for adulthood by the time they start university. Regardless, they will still have to face adult responsibilities.
One adult responsibility that your child will gain as a legal adult is privacy under HIPAA. As a minor, parents have full rights to access their child’s medical records. However, under HIPAA you will need your child’s consent to do so. Understandably, this might make some parents nervous. How can you ensure that you’ll be able to care for your child in the event of an accident or emergency, especially if they’re too incapacitated to give consent? This is why an Advance Health Care Directive is important to have. Let’s dive into what exactly an Advance Health Directive is and why it’s your number one asset as a parent with a college student in the hospital.
AHCD Benefits
Advance Health Care Directives, or AHCDs, allow your adult child to designate an Agent who will act on their behalf in case of a medical emergency. If you are the Agent of your child’s AHCD, then you will be able to access their information if they are admitted to the hospital, including HIPAA protected information.
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Dealing with an injured family member is stressful enough as a parent without having a nurse tell you that she cannot give you any information, so you can imagine how much parents might worry when they’re completely cut out of the loop of their child’s medical care. Obtaining an AHCD can give you the peace of mind knowing that, if your child ever has significant medical concerns, then you will have access to them and their records in the hospital. You will also be able to advocate for their treatment needs and desires if they are unable to do so for themselves.
Your Best Resource
If the thought of leaving your kids at college makes you nervous, then recommend they pursue an AHCD. With an AHCD, you can rest easy knowing that you’ll be able to help in an emergency and your child can feel secure knowing their medical wishes will be respected, even if they’re incapacitated.
Not sure how to go about getting an AHCD? Hatley Law Group is a San Diego firm experienced in a variety of estate planning concerns and procedures. We can help walk you and your family through everything you need to know to establish an Advance Health Care Directive.
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