Life Stages Planning

When we think of estate planning, we often picture later-in-life individuals setting up wills or trusts to secure their children’s future, manage substantial assets, or prepare for retirement. Traditionally, it’s not something college graduates just starting out in the realREAD MORE

Turning 50 and don’t have an estate plan? Don’t worry, you are not alone. According to’s 2024 Wills Survey, only 32% of all Americans have a will and estate planning documents. However, as you enter your 50s, estate planningREAD MORE

When people think of estate planning, they often imagine preparing for the end of life. Yet comprehensive estate management is important for anyone at any age, whether in their 20s, 30s, or beyond. For those 40 years old, however, estateREAD MORE

Whether you’re living together, in a long-term relationship, or planning a future together, everyone needs an estate plan. Estate planning for unmarried couples is particularly important as their legal and financial situation differs significantly from married couples. In fact, unmarriedREAD MORE

Estate planning is often overlooked when it comes to financial planning. In fact, more than half of all Americans do not have a will and even fewer have an estate plan. But is it true that everyone needs an estateREAD MORE

A Lesson in Preparation The passing of a grandparent is a moment of reflection, remembrance, and often grief. However, when a grandparent departs without an estate plan, it can introduce complexity and stress during an already emotional time. This articleREAD MORE

As the summer comes to a close and schools reopen for the Fall semester, many parents are sending their kids off to college. It can be scary to drop your child off at their dorm or apartment and realize youREAD MORE

When it comes to estate planning, many college students believe they can put off their Personal Protection Plan until they have substantial assets. However, there is one crucial document that every college student should have, regardless of their financial situation:READ MORE

Traditional, very simple estate planning may not be sufficient to accomplish estate planning goals in many blended family situations.

It is a longtime investor’s worst fear: retiring into a bear market. A downturn in stocks can be a blessing in disguise when you are still working and saving for retirement, because you are able to buy shares ‘on sale.’