If you’re like a lot of people who have just retired or are nearing retirement age, you’re probably wondering (and let’s face it – maybe a little worried) about what you are going to do with all the free time you’ll now have.
But here’s an idea: Think of retirement as the next chapter in your life. Instead of looking at it as the “end” to your years of being productive, consider it as a fresh beginning with novel experiences to enjoy, being able to reconnect with old friends and to make additional ones, and to finally get the chance to explore some new hobbies.
Choosing the right hobbies can help keep you in shape, physically as well as mentally. They also provide a way for you to connect regularly with family and friends, give you an excuse to get out of the house and leave you with the feeling of achievement.
Some of the more common hobbies to which people gravitate to in retirement are gardening, joining a book club, golfing, playing bridge, traveling, and learning another language.
But, if you are looking for something fun and unique to explore, why not consider an unusual hobby?
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Power of Knowledge
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Have you ever considered…
More unusual hobbies for new retirees include:
- Soap carving
- Irish dancing
- Trainspotting
- Furniture restoration
- Dragon boat racing
- Geocaching
- Magic
- Practicing Martial Arts
- Upcycling
When it comes to choosing a hobby to explore, you’re in the driver’s seat. It’s all about keeping your mind and body healthy and active. So, be open to trying unfamiliar and rather unique experiences. Who knows – you may end up loving the hobby you’ve selected while learning something (or even many things) at the same time!
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24/7 Protection
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Taking care of business
In addition to researching and exploring new hobbies and interests now that you’re retired or are planning to retire in the near future, it’s also time to protect your legacy.
Estate planning for retirees is an essential component of retirement preparation. While retirement planning focuses on the future after you stop working, the focus of estate planning is on how you plan to pass your assets on to your loved ones after your death.
A carefully crafted estate plan will include important documents such as a will, living trust, financial power of attorney, and healthcare proxy. Already have an estate plan in place? Be sure to make updates when life changes occur, such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child and now your retirement.
The goal of Rod Hatley, California estate planning attorney at the Hatley Law Group, APC, is to help you impart a piece of who you are as a human in the most meaningful way.
In-Demand Guest

In-Demand Guest
TV and Radio stations throughout San Diego rely on Rod’s expertise regarding estate planning.