Author: Rodney Hatley

It’s an important task that is easy to procrastinate. However, here is why you shouldn’t:

A discretionary trust is a type of trust that can be established on behalf of one or more beneficiaries.

In 2022, the annual exclusion for Federal Gift Taxes increased to $16,000 per person per year. Although there is near-universal acceptance of the importance of gifting, there are several issues you should consider before making any gifts.

A charitable trust can be set up in different ways and have various tax impacts. Two common types are the charitable remainder trust and the charitable lead trust. There are also variations within these categories.

A new study explores how specialized care providers can navigate conversations about end-of-life care and help patients optimize their quality of life and mitigate suffering.

My dad is investing in cryptocurrency! I know nothing about it and, frankly, I am not interested in learning. I think it is a passing fad. When he dies and I am responsible for the distribution of his estate to my siblings, do I need to address the crypto?

Given their salaries and the chances of getting sued, physicians should strongly consider estate planning early in their careers.

If you have a parent over the age of, say, 65, thoughts about their future may have started to creep into your mind. But because end-of-life planning can be emotional and overwhelming, it’s tempting to put these conversations off — and even more pleasing to avoid them altogether. If there’s a lesson to be learned from the pandemic, however, it’s that waiting until the last minute to prepare is seldom a good idea.

Who’s going to inherit on the death of one of the re-marrieds? Will this be the surviving spouse? If so, where will those inherited monies go on the second-to-die’s death?

Leaving behind a huge tax bill for your heirs with the stretch IRA scuttled? Here are some ways around it as lawmakers consider an updated SECURE Act.